Thursday, June 16, 2011

USA Today Will Be Japan or China tomorrow!!

An article on the cover of USA Today, written by Richard Wolf, forced me, the reader, to view America in a different light.  The headline read "In just seven weeks America could run out of borrowed money."  If that doesn't spark your interest or if you feel like this will not affect you in any way, THINK AGAIN!

The article goes on to explain in some detail who America owes money to, among our debtors our highest debts are with China and Japan.  Come August 2, if America does not raise the debt limit, America may go into default.  Some of the things that America may consider before going into default is to cease the payment of federal salaries, this will and can be done by firing government officials or simply doing away with federally funded positions. After all they are the highest paid.  But who are we kidding government officials fired?? Yeah right. What next then because you can't possibly pay an 80 million monthly debt with that notion alone?  (I thought I had bills, take a look at that scale, phew..boy am I glad that I don't have to write those checks!) Next on the hitlist will ironically enough be our military personnel who may not get PAID! Talk about getting the short end of the stick! (they are on the front line of everything, smh) Do you still feel that this does not affect you? Okay then, next lets look at some of the federally funded programs, social security, section 8, welfare payments, medicare, and the tax refund most of America confuses for shopping money.  Now get this,you worked your whole life and contributed to the Social Security fund so that you can rest assured that your retirement will be supplemented by your oh so faithful contributions.  THINK AGAIN!!

My worst fear is this people, today if you default on your mortgage payment the bank comes in and takes possession of the financed property.  This leads me to think and question whether or not America is out on loan to us.  The major financiers are Japan and China.  Here we are looking down on them and thinking we are superior when in reality they sit on a higher throne.  The treasury bonds could in essence be cashed in for lack of performance and essentially we wont be able to foot the bill.  As a result, America will lose the biggest asset of all.  If it happens it will probably be the biggest asset recovery operation in history, the repossession of America for failure to pay!!  Then what?? Will the big red white and blue cease to exist??  Maybe.   What can we do as Americans?  I don't know, many are demanding that Obama raise the deficit cap so that we can make this months payments as it has been done in the past by former presidents without the knowledge of the average American citizen.  It amazes me how everyone is quick to blame Obama for today's deficit as if he incurred this debt in the span of his presidency when in fact this debt has been present since before Clinton.  The difference now is that the scale is about to tip over and we, the public, are now made aware in an almost subliminal way of the reality of this problem.  Once that scale does tip over and the chips fall, and our government can say that we were made aware because it was printed in a front cover article in USA Today!!   WAKE UP AMERICA STOP SPENDING MONEY, DON'T RAISE THE DEFICIT, LETS START PAYING SOME BILLS. We need to consider ways to raise some equity in America's value.  Lets bring down our debt and increase our revenues.  Seems easy right, then why didn't our government think about it sooner. 

Check out the Story here:

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  1. I will blog or write about anything tha sparks interest. Feel free to comment or email me at with requests, comments and suggestions.
